Industries - Why NATS?

The National Apprenticeship Training Scheme bridges the gap existing in the talent market place, between the employer’s requirement in an employee and the talent pool of students available in the market. It allows the organisations to recruit raw, technically qualified candidates, train them for one year with subsidy from Government of India and absorb them on regular roles if the need arises. The organization engaging apprentices should possess the requisite infrastructure and qualified training managers to impart knowledge transfer and mentorship to the apprentices. The National Apprenticeship Scheme thus helps in building a steady pool of talent, which is industry ready; to meet the Human Resources needs of an organization, at an optimum cost. Selection of apprentices is solely the prerogative of the employer.

The below are some of the benefits for Industries

  • Post Apprenticeship Advertisements and Create Bulk Contracts
  • Interview and Selection Management of applicants
  • Subsidized manpower amenable to training and upskilling